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Creating a New Normal

Creating a New Normal

As we begin to discuss the possibility of re-opening businesses and returning to our pre-pandemic routines and activities, the phrase 'new normal,' continues to come up in these discussions. But, what exactly does it mean to create a so-called new normal? 

I have reflected on this question for a couple of weeks now as it relates to my own life both personally and professionally. I wondered how I would adapt my clinical practice to keep both my clients, colleagues, and myself safe without changing the essence of our therapeutic process. And, as some of you know, I am now 4.5 months pregnant with our first baby that did not come without challenges. Not only am I reflecting on how to adapt my practice to a pandemic but also to first-time parenthood. 

This juxtaposition of a collective ongoing health crisis and personal life transition is complex and interesting in many ways. It reminds me that so often, the most significant moments in our life are preceded by or coupled with great challenges. It also highlights one of the hard-earned lessons that I have learned in business and in life: we cannot control the outcome; we can only control our response. 

It’s true, we will not be returning to the way things used to be, and this transition to what lies ahead will not always feel natural or comfortable. We won’t enjoy all the same comforts we once did with the freedom and privilege to trust we are safe implicitly. Physical safety will become a greater priority than it has been for many of us. 

Just as a new parent, the many changes that we will adapt to will inevitably challenge us to become a new version of ourselves as individuals and as a society. It will be both challenging and empowering as we learn to let go of the things that no longer best serve us and embrace the uncertainty. 

I look forward to the challenge of finding new ways to best support my clients, practice the skills that I enjoy, and navigating this new world as a psychologist and a parent. I know that these transitions will lead to inspiration, innovation, and growth in unexpected ways. 

Creating this 'new normal' means stepping outside of our comfort zone, embracing the initial discomfort, and trusting our inner guidance to lead the way through the unknown. 

While it won’t always be comfortable, I believe that if we sit with the discomfort, we will find that we are growing and expanding beyond what we thought we were capable of and will find ourselves in places far better than we ever imagined.